Secure your data transfer
Improve your Google ranking
Demonstrate high security standards
With SSL you guarantee the authenticity of your website identity and increases trust among customers.
$ 24.94 /year*
RapidSSL from Rapid and
Domain validation
Up to 256 bit encryption
Annual purchase
$ 88.18 /year*
SSL Web Server and
Organization validation
Up to 256 bit encryption
Annual purchase
$ 163.30 /year*
True Business ID with EV and
Extended validation
Up to 256 bit encryption
Annual purchase
$ 99.81 /year*
Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard
Domain validation
Up to 256 bit encryption
Annual purchase
Whether you are just starting out or have an established business - we've got you covered.
Add your desired certificate to your cart, agree to our terms and conditions, choose the runtime, and finish your purchase. Once ordered, your certificate will be displayed under the menu item SSL. The configuration by you is done in 6 steps via the assistant. By clicking on Save, it will be sent to the issuer to process the order. After completed validation, the certificate is active.
Work With the Most Trusted Brands
Security on the world wide web is an essential issue. You can read more about it in our blog.
Wie Sie Cyber-Attacken vorbeugen können
Wussten Sie, dass mehr als 43 % der Cyberangriffe auf kleine Unternehmen abzielen? Wir erklären, wie Sie sich schützen können.
Neue Regeln für den Datenschutz im Web
Ab dem 25. Mai 2018 gilt in der EU die neue Allgemeine Datenschutzverordnung. In einem Interview erklärt Rechtsanwalt Marcus Dury mehr.
Die richtige Endung für Ihre Domain
Sie haben einen passenden Namen für Ihre Website gefunden? Wir helfen Ihnen dabei die richtige Domainendung zu finden, denn auch diese ist von Bedeutung.
We’re Here to Help
If you have further queries or need a hand, check out our Help Centre where we answer frequently asked questions. You can also get in touch with our local support team for 1:1 advice.